5th – 10th June 2019 Somogyfajsz (Hungary)
Participation in The 11th Iron Smelting Workshop for experimental smelting of iron ore and primary treatment of iron products, leader Dr Adam Thiele (Tena Karavidović) (pdf).
22nd – 26th May 2019, Adamov, Brno (Czech Republic)
Participation in the iron smelting techniques workshop ("11. workshop starého železářství / 11th workshop old ironmongery") held in Stará huť in Adamov and organized by Technické muzeum v Brně (Tena Karavidović, Ivan Valent) (PDF)
25th – 30th June 2018, Poreč-Tar-Crikvenica (Croatia)
Participation in Summer School “Land use and exploitation of natural resources in the 1st millennium AD: New methods in archeobotany, archaeometry and modelling” with a lecture The topography of archaeological sites with smelting characteristics on the territory of the River Drava Basin (Ivan Valent) (PDF)
23th – 26th May 2018, Adamov, Brno (Czech Republic)
Participation in the iron smelting techniques workshop ("10 workshop starého železářství / 10th workshop old iron smelting") held in Stará huť in Adamov and organized by Technické muzeum v Brně (Robert Čimin, Ivan Valent)(PDF)
24th – 28th May 2017, Adamov, Brno (Czech Republic)
Participation in the iron smelting techniques workshop ("9 workshop starého železářství / 9th workshop old iron smelting") held in Stará huť in Adamov and organized by Technické muzeum v Brně (Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Ivan Marija Hrovatin) (PDF)