Metka Culiberg
(Scientist ID 08088-SLO), Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia, retired
The analysis of wood types in order to determine what wood served as fuel in the smelting furnaces. The obtained data will be important for understanding the technological process of producing iron, but it will also point to the appearance of the landscape around the workshop and throughout the entire Drava lowlands, as it would indirectly indicate the natural environs and the characteristics of the area, i.e. from these data it would be possible to determine the type of forests present in a given period in a given region. Time dedicated to the project: 10%.
Curriculum vitae
Metka Culiberg was born on the 12th of September 1950 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. From 1975 to 1979 she was employed at the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), and from 1979 to 2010 at the Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology at the Scientific Research Centre of SASA in Ljubljana. She obtained her PhD in Paleobotany and Geology in 1989 at the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade. In 2000 she was granted the title of scientific adviser and she retired in 2010.
She has collaborated with paleobotanists from Slovenia and abroad, mostly alongside her mentor, SASA academy member A. Šercelj, and with Prof. E. Božilova of the Botanical Department of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, where she examined the collection of macroscopic plant remains (1990). In 1994, she compared methods of laboratory processing of pollen material with Prof. J. M. Roure (Unitat de Botanica, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and became familiar with the computer processing of palynological data through the Tilia programme. In 1999 in Arles she attended a computer course for the entry of palynological data into the European Pollen Database. The founding meeting for the establishment of this database was in Lund (Sweden) in 1989, where she participated as the only representative of Yugoslavia.
Based on pollen analysis, she has researched the history of the vegetation development of the Slovene area. In addition, she has collaborated in several Slovene and international research projects with palynological, xylothomical, anthracotomical, and carpological analyses. For example:
Research associate in research projects
- International Correlation Programme (IGCP) – project 158, Subproject B (Lake and Mire environments) (1996).
- Palynological study on desertification in south-western Europe: Timing, natural trends and human impact (1993-1995), financed by the European Commission, Brussels.
- Pollenanalytische Grundlagenforschung und eine Bestandsaufnahme zur frühen Siedlungsgeschichte im Gebiet zwischen Mur und Raab (Österreich, Slowenien, Ungarn). (1997-1998). Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien.
- Potočka Zijalka Campaigns 1997-2000. Kommission für Quartärforschung der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
- Kras - region biodiversity, successional stages and conservation significance (L1 6587) (2004-2007).
- Biodiversity of Posočje and nature conservation applications for Natura 2000 sites (L1 7078)(2005-2008).
- The Medieval settlement of Northern Croatia in Light of the Archaeological Sources (Institute of archaeology, Zagreb) (2007-2013).
As an external associate she continues to cooperate in many archaeological studies with her analysis of microscopic and macroscopic plant remains (pollen, charcoal, fruits, seeds). These studies are implemented within institutes, museums, and cultural heritage preservation institutes across Slovenia and also in Croatia (Zagreb, Split). With her paleobotanical studies, she has also participated in the analysis of numerous archaeological sites in the project The Archaeology of Slovenian Motorways (Institute for Slovenian Cultural Heritage Preservation) in the last few last years.
Independently, or with co-authors, she has published 77 original scientific articles, 7 professional articles, 24 independent parts or chapters in scientific monographs, 2 scientific monographs, 5 professional monographs, etc.