January/February 2021

At the beginning of 2021, preliminary processing of smelting waste from the 2019 research of the archaeological site Kalinovac – Hrastova greda was performed (slag, daub and furnace walls, fragments of iron and iron ore). A total of 1382 working photographs were taken with a digital camera in 13 working days, and about a hundred indicative fragments were selected for the study collection and further analyses (Tena Karavidović)(pdf).


August - November 2020

During August, October and November 2020 archival research and preliminary processing of archaeological finds from the Virje – Volarski breg and Sušine sites were performed. A total of 13046 digital photographs were taken in 39 working days and 382 indicative fragments were selected for further processing and analyses as a part of the doctoral dissertation (Tena Karavidović).


22nd October – 8th November 2019

In late October and early November 2019 preliminary analysis of smelting waste from archaeological excavations of site Okuje I near Velika Gorica was carried out. The site was excavated by Town museum Zagreb during 2008 under the direction of Aleksandra Bugar, project TransFER team member. Fragments of slag, daub and furnace walls, fragments of iron and iron ore from ten stratigraphic units were sorted out. During ten days 2176 work photos were taken and 104 indicative pieces were extracted for the study collection (Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Tena Karavidović) (pdf).


April - May 2019

During April and May 2019 preliminary analysis of smelting waste from the Hlebine-Dedanovice archaeological excavation in 2018 was carried out (slag, daub and furnace walls, fragments of iron and iron ore). During 13 days a total of 1379 work photographs were taken and about 100 indicative pieces were extracted for the study collection (Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Tena Karavidović). (pdf)


8th – 31st July 2018

During July 2018, after the washing of finds collected during the excavation of the archaeological site Hlebine-Velike Hlebine in 2017, preliminary processing of the smelting waste was carried out (slag, daub and furnace walls, pieces of iron and iron ore). In total, 2669 digital photographs were made and around 100 indicative pieces were separated for the study collection during 18 work days (Tajana Sekelj Ivančan)


28th August – 6th September 2017

Macroscopic analysis of slag, daub and gravel derived from all stratigraphic units from Hlebine-Velike Hlebine site, recorded during archaeological excavations in 2016, was conducted. During the primary inspection of the material, a total of 61 bags of slag, 31 bags of daub, 2 bags with "bowl" fragments and 9 bags of gravel were processed. The basic processing was done by Ivan Marija Hrovatin and Tajana Sekelj Ivančan (pdf).


June 2017

During several days stay of the project associate Ivan Marija Hrovatin in Zagreb / Gornji Stupnik, with the help of the project leader (Tajana Sekelj Ivančan), a macroscopic analysis of part of the smelting waste from the Virje-Sušine site (excavations 2012-2014) was carried out and the cataloging of ceramic nozzles from the Virje-Volarski breg site (excavation 2008) (pdf).

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